martes, 1 de mayo de 2012

My ideal school

My ideal school is the place where the children loves to be. It is the place where the teacher don't send to you homework. There are no work to do. In my school, you can sing, dance, eat ice cream when you are in class. My ideal school is the best school, the place where we should have to pass our greatest time, because we share so much time together inside the school. 

Subjects:  I choose these subjects because they are my favorites and I want my ideal school teach them.
- History 
- Biology
- P.E. 
- Spanish.

Timetable: I chose this timetable because I want to have subjects not demanding.

                     Monday: 8:30h to 9:25h : Spanish.
                                                9:30h to 10:25h : Biology

                                               10:25h to 11:00h : Break 

                                               11:05h to 12:00h : Biology
                                               12:05h to 13:00h : Arts.

                               Tuesday: 8:30h to 9:25h : History.
                                                9:30h to 10:25h : Grammar

                                               10:30h to 11:00h : Break

                                               11:05h to 12:00h : P.E.
                                               12:05h to 13:00h : P.E.

                 Wednesday: 8:30h to 9:25h : Grammar
                                                9:30h to 10:25h: Arts

                                               10:30h to 11:00h: Break.

                                               11:05h to 12:00h : Spanish
                                               12:05h to 13:00h: Spanish

                            Thursday: 8:30h to 9:25h : History
                                               9:30h to 10:25h : P.E.

                                              10:30h to 11:00h : Break

                                              11:05h to 12:00h : Grammar
                                              12:05h to 1:00h : Biology

                                Friday: 11:05h to 12:00: Arts
                                              12:05h to 13:00: History

Extra-curriculars activities: I choose these activities because in another school is not commun to do this activities, but in my ideal school these are activities that I would like to have.

- Paintball
- Hockey 
- Football.

The rules of my school: These rules are differents in comparation with the rules of another school but this is the point because this is my ideal school and these rules are my rules, the rules what I choose.
 -We can eat ice cream at class.
- We can talk with our patners
 - We can sing at class with the teacher.
- We should respect the teachers.
- We should sing everyday at 12:00 hours for one min


The uniform: This uniform is fun and I like have an uniform diferent and crazy, because I don't like a boring school.
 The t-shirt will be black and white, the sweater will be red, the pants
                                     will be black, the skirt will be white and the shoes will be red.


1 comentario:

  1. Agustina, where's all the rest of your work??? where's the Time machine project? and London project???
